Tag Archives: Networking

Good Mom Fills Pauses

2 Oct

I am the type of person that really dislikes dead air. If we are having a conversation and it stops dead in its tracks, I will be the first to fill it.

When I was little, I was quiet and observant. I was a people watcher, a sponge that took everything in. I think this changed when I went into Junior High. I don’t remember the exact moment but all of a sudden, I hated pauses.

I was always getting into trouble. I would not stop talking in classes. I would sit at home in front of the TV and pro-actively write lines that I knew I would have to turn in during the week. I could write “I will not engage in any activities in the classroom that will distract myself or others from learning” in my sleep. I thought I was so clever.

In high school, I started being a bit of an activist. I debated anything and everything. Religion, environmental matters, eating vegan, racism- nothing was out of bounds.

Now days, my dead air issues get me in trouble. I was recently in the kitchen at work with one of my co-workers. He was wearing jeans, a white dress shirt and a tie. The room was silent, Uh oh! dead air. I blurted out “You are looking very Avril Lavigne today!” He laughed and said “Is that a compliment?” I replied,  “I think so”, and walked towards my office giving my head a shake. Really Jen? Avril Lavigne, Really?!?

I guess this is why I am a good sales person. I can build relationships with anyone. I legitimately want to know about your kids and your hobbies. This will help me fill any awkward pauses in conversation.

Honestly though, I do feel the need to fill pauses in conversation but I appreciate the comfortable relationships I have with people. We can say nothing and know what each other is thinking or just be in the moment enjoying each other’s company.